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Friday, September 30, 2022

Dear moms-to-be, these 6 tips can be protect you from a communicable diseases.

Dear moms-to-be, these 6 tips can be protect you from a communicable diseases.

If you are pregnancy, you need to be a especially careful about staying safe. Here are tips to the  prevent communicable diseases.

Pregnancy is a sensitive phase for a every woman. It is requires extra effort to the protect to yourself from infections, virus and diseases during in this time for the sake of your health as well as in the baby’s well-being. So, it is a important to know how to the prevent communicable diseases during in a  pregnancy.

Health Shots reached out to Dr Rad-ha S Rio, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Apollo Cradle and Children’s Hospital, Bengali, to find out more about communicable diseases, how they can be affect pregnant women and how to protect yourself from their spread.

What are communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases are severely spreading diseases from an a infected person. It transmits through direct contact with a contaminated water, food or a air, insect bites, and bodily fluids. Being a susceptible to any disease during a pregnancy is a complication for a both the mother and in the child.

A woman’s immune in a system weakens during in a pregnancy due to the changes that the bodies undergo putting them at the  risk of infections. Communicable diseases can be cause issues for the developing fetus through transmission from the mother. Communicable diseases during in a pregnancy can be lead to the  lifelong disabilities, birth defects in a newborns and also complications in a pregnancy. Pathogens such as a bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, cause communicable diseases.

Some communicable diseases can be a minor issues, with a short-lived symptoms. But some could be a critical and even life-threatening. Depending on a person’s overall health and immune system, in the severity of their symptoms may be change. Some communicable diseases affecting expectant mothers are Cytomegalovirus (C M V), Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (Environmental Infections), Hepatitis B, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Rubella (German Measles), and Varicella-Zoster (Chickenpox and Shingles). Seasonal diseases and diseases like a malaria and dengue, etc. are also a risk during in a pregnancy when the immune system is down to accommodate in the baby.

6 tips to the prevent communicable disease

1. Reduce a exposure to the saliva and urine

A virus called cytomegalovirus (C M V) can cause problems to a pregnant woman if she is a infected and she might end up passing in this virus to the developing offspring. Pregnant women can be reduce in the risk of the virus by a reducing contact with a saliva and urine from a babies and young children by not sharing food, utensils or a cups with a child.

2. Wash hands thoroughly and regularly

Hands are the direct carrier of the  infections and virus as they come in a direct contact with a various objects. Proper hand hygiene is a important. Dirty hands are enough to carry the infection causing virus and making  to a person sick. Expectant women should wash in their hands frequently to the avoid infection or a carrying any germs. Unwashed vegetables and fruits can be also a carry infection and thus make it a practice to thoroughly wash and clean everything before consuming

3. Maintain hygiene

Hygiene is a very crucial step to the  prevent communicable diseases. Pregnant women must be avoid any instance where they come in a contact with a germs in the form of the  contaminated water, polluted air, and stale food.

4. Avoid a interaction with a infected people

They should avoid a crowded places, especially in the first trimester. A pregnant woman must be avoid a close interaction with a people that show in the symptoms of an a infection. Look out if there are any patients with a infections like a chickenpox or rubella in the close surroundings.

5. Get a tested for a S T I s

Some people have a S T I diseases such as a HIV, and Hepatitis B. They usually do not experience in the symptoms of the illness. It is a crucial to know if one suffers from a any of these conditions. Get all the necessary tests done and check with in the doctor for a any preventive measures to reduce in  the risk of the child getting infected.

6. Ensure proper vaccinations

The doctors prescribe vaccinations for a pregnant women. These need to be a taken by the prescribed time to avoid a any complications or a infection during in the term. The appropriate immunizations given at the appropriate times help pregnant women stay a healthy. Getting a vaccinated against the flu is a crucial during in a pregnancy.

Additionally, vaccinations can be help prevent to your child from a being ill or developing life long health issues.

The last word

Communicable diseases can be a dangerous if not diagnosed and treated correctly. Expectant mothers should take a proper precautions and measures to the prevent communicable diseases. Pregnancy-related infections can be a harm both mother and unborn child through a vertical transmission. The precautions and tips mentioned above are necessary to the ensure that the women have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

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