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Friday, September 30, 2022

Dear moms-to-be, these 6 tips can be protect you from a communicable diseases.

Dear moms-to-be, these 6 tips can be protect you from a communicable diseases.

If you are pregnancy, you need to be a especially careful about staying safe. Here are tips to the  prevent communicable diseases.

Pregnancy is a sensitive phase for a every woman. It is requires extra effort to the protect to yourself from infections, virus and diseases during in this time for the sake of your health as well as in the baby’s well-being. So, it is a important to know how to the prevent communicable diseases during in a  pregnancy.

Health Shots reached out to Dr Rad-ha S Rio, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Apollo Cradle and Children’s Hospital, Bengali, to find out more about communicable diseases, how they can be affect pregnant women and how to protect yourself from their spread.

What are communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases are severely spreading diseases from an a infected person. It transmits through direct contact with a contaminated water, food or a air, insect bites, and bodily fluids. Being a susceptible to any disease during a pregnancy is a complication for a both the mother and in the child.

A woman’s immune in a system weakens during in a pregnancy due to the changes that the bodies undergo putting them at the  risk of infections. Communicable diseases can be cause issues for the developing fetus through transmission from the mother. Communicable diseases during in a pregnancy can be lead to the  lifelong disabilities, birth defects in a newborns and also complications in a pregnancy. Pathogens such as a bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, cause communicable diseases.

Some communicable diseases can be a minor issues, with a short-lived symptoms. But some could be a critical and even life-threatening. Depending on a person’s overall health and immune system, in the severity of their symptoms may be change. Some communicable diseases affecting expectant mothers are Cytomegalovirus (C M V), Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (Environmental Infections), Hepatitis B, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Rubella (German Measles), and Varicella-Zoster (Chickenpox and Shingles). Seasonal diseases and diseases like a malaria and dengue, etc. are also a risk during in a pregnancy when the immune system is down to accommodate in the baby.

6 tips to the prevent communicable disease

1. Reduce a exposure to the saliva and urine

A virus called cytomegalovirus (C M V) can cause problems to a pregnant woman if she is a infected and she might end up passing in this virus to the developing offspring. Pregnant women can be reduce in the risk of the virus by a reducing contact with a saliva and urine from a babies and young children by not sharing food, utensils or a cups with a child.

2. Wash hands thoroughly and regularly

Hands are the direct carrier of the  infections and virus as they come in a direct contact with a various objects. Proper hand hygiene is a important. Dirty hands are enough to carry the infection causing virus and making  to a person sick. Expectant women should wash in their hands frequently to the avoid infection or a carrying any germs. Unwashed vegetables and fruits can be also a carry infection and thus make it a practice to thoroughly wash and clean everything before consuming

3. Maintain hygiene

Hygiene is a very crucial step to the  prevent communicable diseases. Pregnant women must be avoid any instance where they come in a contact with a germs in the form of the  contaminated water, polluted air, and stale food.

4. Avoid a interaction with a infected people

They should avoid a crowded places, especially in the first trimester. A pregnant woman must be avoid a close interaction with a people that show in the symptoms of an a infection. Look out if there are any patients with a infections like a chickenpox or rubella in the close surroundings.

5. Get a tested for a S T I s

Some people have a S T I diseases such as a HIV, and Hepatitis B. They usually do not experience in the symptoms of the illness. It is a crucial to know if one suffers from a any of these conditions. Get all the necessary tests done and check with in the doctor for a any preventive measures to reduce in  the risk of the child getting infected.

6. Ensure proper vaccinations

The doctors prescribe vaccinations for a pregnant women. These need to be a taken by the prescribed time to avoid a any complications or a infection during in the term. The appropriate immunizations given at the appropriate times help pregnant women stay a healthy. Getting a vaccinated against the flu is a crucial during in a pregnancy.

Additionally, vaccinations can be help prevent to your child from a being ill or developing life long health issues.

The last word

Communicable diseases can be a dangerous if not diagnosed and treated correctly. Expectant mothers should take a proper precautions and measures to the prevent communicable diseases. Pregnancy-related infections can be a harm both mother and unborn child through a vertical transmission. The precautions and tips mentioned above are necessary to the ensure that the women have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Alzheimer’s disease: An a expert shares how lifestyle factors increases it is a risk.

Alzheimer’s disease: An a expert shares how lifestyle factors increases it is a risk.

On a World Alzheimer's Day, to a neurologist shares in the risks posed by a modern-day lifestyle towards in the development of the Alzheimer's.

In November 1906, Aloes Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist presented in the clinical features of an a unusual woman who are developed paranoid idealization, memory impairment, and progressive dementia at a psychiatry meeting in a Tubing-en. He demonstrated that her brain at the autopsy exhibited hitherto unsubscribed abnormalities, he designated as a neuritic plaques in the extracellular spaces, and neuron fibrillate tangles with in the neurons. He postulated that these led to the generalization and cell death, producing dementia. His colleague Emile Rappelling promptly called this “Alzheimer’s Disease”. Even after to a century, research has not resulted in a cure in a sight for this disabling ailment.

Identification of the  amyloid beta as the main constituent of the plaques and phosphorylation tau as the tangle within a neurons led to a rush to the discover its biology. Patients with  a Alzheimer’s disease present to the neurologists with a memory impairment, changes in a  personality and behavior and at times impairment in a linguistic abilities and visual-spatial skills. Neurologists rely on a imaging of the brain to the elucidate regional shrinkage and subdued glucose utilization to correlate in the clinical features.

Therapy for a Alzheimer’s disease

Therapy are attempts (using a numerous methodologies) at blocking the accumulation of the amyloid extracellular and phosphorylation of tau internationally have failed in a clinical trials. Today, once Alzheimer’s disease has set in, therapy is a essentially supportive. Drugs prescribed augment the failing production of a neurotransmitter is called a oxyacetylene in the brain and attempt to slow down a neural degeneration. Some medications are prescribed to control the behavioral aberrations that are patients exhibit.

The current view is that multiple pathways lead to this catastrophic form of the brain failure. It is a accepted that both neural degeneration and regeneration occur daily, albeit in a fine balance.

Causes of the Alzheimer’s and lifestyle changes needed to the prevent it

A sedentary lifestyle, untreated diabetes and hypertension, poor sleep hygiene in a middle life and sleep disorders like a sleep apnea can accelerate in the development of the Alzheimer’s disease in a genetically vulnerable individual. Regular cardiovascular in a exercise, investment in a good sleep hygiene, a balanced diet rich in a vegetables and fruits, an a upbeat and enthusiastic outlook are all health investments that are pro-regeneration. Healthy social connectivity and pursuing novel hobbies/passions, and maintaining good oral hygiene are also a neuro-protective.

The discovery of an a exclusive sleep driven excretory system in the brain called the ‘G lymphatic system’ has a resulted in an enthusiastic investigation of the sleep as a novel biomarker of the amyloid biology. The g lymphatic system demonstrably excretes both amyloid and tau daily in a normal individuals and even a few nights of the sleep deprivation can tilt this balance unfavorably for the brain.

Therefore, sleep disorders like a sleep apnea (characterized by a sub-optimal sleep-related breathing) can act as a biological catalyst accelerating brain amyloid and tau accumulation. Maintaining disciplined sleep hygiene and in the early treatment of the sleep disorders may be stave off the impending specter of the Alzheimer’s disease in a later life.

Also a read: Predicting Alzheimer’s is now possible, says study

Many a luminary with a sterling careers in a public domains have fallen prey to this occupational compulsion of the sleep deprivation and gone on to the develop Alzheimer’s disease. Names like a Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Agatha Christie, Charles Bronson, Omar Sharif, Rita Hayworth, and Sean Connery abound in the array of those who fell prey to this devastating degenerative disorder of the late life. Clearly some of the byproducts of the civilization, for a example, dietary indulgence, sleep indiscipline, fragmentation of the social fabric of the integrated families, and loneliness in a late life, are the unrecognized predators lurking in the shadows of the brain biology, ready to the exact in their ‘pound of the brain’, despite the perceived heroics of the modern medicine. One must pause and introspect.

Our lifestyles are due for a reformation and time may be a running out for those in late middle life.

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Monday, September 12, 2022

‘Super mom’ Same-era R eddy shares how she fought back pain in a post pregnancy.

‘Super mom’ Same-era R eddy shares how she fought back pain in a post pregnancy.

Well, back pain post  pregnancy is an a issue many women may be complain of. Here is a Same-era R eddy sharing her journey of the beating it.

Backache is a common problem among people nowadays. What a people, however, forget is that life is not a race and you have got to do things at your own pace. Pay attention to the issues instead of the ignoring them and letting things be. That is what actress and influences Same-era R eddy did for her back pain post pregnancy. Here she is a reminding you to be more mindful of what your body needs.

Same-era, who has a daughter, is a active on social media and where she talks about a various mental and physical issues that women battle through a everyday life.

One of her latest posts saw her sharing her ordeal with a back pain, which she had since  in the days when she used to face in the cameras actively.

“I have had a bad back since my shooting days and post child birth, it has a acted up at the intervals. Last 2 months my back totally went for a toss. I was so frustrated because I want to be this super mom with my fitness Fridays and also a keep up with so many things in my day. But I have had a history of  the back issues and post childbirth it is a gotten weaker,” she wrote.

That sounds like a every other mother, who keeps her own health and concerns on the back burner to be a problem solver for a everyone else around her.

But like a rightfully aware and health-conscious woman, Same-era decided to take matters in her own hand. She sought in the right nutritional and physical treatment to the reduce her agony.

“I was a pushing too hard on all other fronts losing sight of the fact that I needed to be more regular with a back exercises and taking vitamins,” she adds.

Also a read: Suffering from a chronic backache? Turn to the Ayurveda oils for a relief

What did Same-era R eddy do to the reduce back pain post in a pregnancy.

Here’s what all she did to solve her backache problem and ended up seeing an a amazing difference.

* Consumed one multi vitamin, one omega fish oil and one calcium everyday

* A course of the vitamin D 3 for a month

* Since her iron levels were also a low, she introduced iron- rich vegetables in her diet. The tablets did not a suit her.

* She took a physiotherapy

* Indulged in a back exercises

* She undertook a yoga classes

It took her consistent practice of the above a measures for two months to the finally feel better. “My hormones are also more balanced,” adds in the 43-year-old.

After her experience of the taking care of the back pain post in a pregnancy, there is a reminder she wants to share with a fellow moms and women.

“Take a look at what you need for your body and strength mental and physical. There is a lot of the pressure of everyday life and body expectations, and keeping up can be a hard. The best investment is a investing in yourself, so tune into your needs and listen.”

Here are 4 ways to keep your body fit and the strong

1. Know to your current fitness level

Prior to the starting any workout regimen, think about going for a physical examination. This is a especially true if you are suffer from a health issues, particularly those that concern to your heart, lungs, kidneys, or a joints. It is a especially crucial to the visit a doctor before starting a moderate or a vigorous fitness program as you get a older. Keep in mind that you should not feel bad about where you are right now. It all depends on where you are going!

2. Choose to your target fitness level

Decide on your desired degree of the  fitness. Determine in the degree of  the fitness you want to the attain. Being aware of your objectives can help you stay a motivated to the exercise. To lower your risk of the diseases that might be a brought on by inactivity, you must be maintain in a minimum level of  the fitness for your age.

3. Set a goals for your aerobic health

The circulatory system of the body, which are includes the heart and lungs, becomes more effective at the utilizing and dispersing oxygen via in the blood as a result of  the aerobic activity.

4. Set to your strength and endurance goals

Strength training aims to make your muscles larger and stronger while also a increasing to your endurance. Strength training has been a linked to the improved joint health, stronger bones, and a lower risk of  the injury, according to the  research.

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5 signs to your body is a complaining about your poor gut health.

5 signs to your body is a complaining about your poor gut health.

Do you notice to  a strange white coating on your otherwise pink tongue? It could be your body's way of  the telling you about to your poor gut health.

In a Ayurveda, in the term ‘Agni’ in a Ayurveda refers to the metabolic fire – the process of  the digesting food and producing metabolic byproducts. Agni transforms food into a energy, which is in a charge of all the essential body processes. An a imbalanced agni typically means poor gut health where you can face a innumerable problems. Low agni results in a reduced appetite, fatigue, heaviness and lethargy. And there are other ways too in which your body can be give you signs of the poor gut health.

Here’s what can be happen with a imbalanced ‘agni’ or a poor gut health

* Gas

* Constipation

* Dry skin

* Sciatica

* Insomnia

* Receding gums

* Muscle spasms

* Cramps

Watch in these signs of  the poor gut health

Ayurveda are expert Dr Rekha Radhamony recently shared a some important ways for us to know in the status of our gut health, via Instagram. Here’s what she suggests to look out for!

1. White a coating on your tongue

According to the  Ayurveda, white tongue is a warning indication that your digestive system is  a overworked. When to your tongue is a heavily coated, it gives the impression of  the being white. Your digestive system cannot perform correctly if it is a overworked. As a result, candida, yeast or a bacteria, begins to the  accumulate.

2. Low appetite

Agni is a strengthened by a eating in the right amount of the food for a each meal. It is  a equally crucial to give our stomach time to the digest one meal completely before moving on to the next. Therefore, neither eating more nor less is a good idea. Both may in some way result in an a imbalanced agni.

3. Stomach problems

If you experience problems such as a acidity, gas, bloating, re-flux, heart burn, cramps, burps or flatulence frequently, it is too one of the signs of the poor gut health

4. Often get a constipation or a loose motions or a both!

Constipation or a loose motions are very telling signs of the poor gut health. It would be a best to the include a lot of the high-fiber items in your diet. If you have a constipation, include beans, vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, and bran. But for a loose motions, it is a best to the consume bananas, rice and apples. Since these foods are mild, they would not upset in the stomach. Additionally, they are binding foods, and thus, they  are aid in a stool firmness. If you have any of these, do not ignore it and start working on your gut health.

Tips to the improve gut health

Eating right is very important to the maintain gut health. Let’s follow some tips suggested by a Ayurveda are expert Dr Dix a Bhavsar Savaliya.

1. Only eat when you are actually hungry.

“Actually hungry” means eat after a fully digesting to your previous meal. Sometimes, we may be  mistakenly believe that we are hungry while in a reality we may be merely be a dehydrated.

2. Eat in a serene and pleasant environment

When you eat, sit down and try to the avoid any a distractions such as a television, book, phone, or a laptop.

3. Eat in the appropriate amount

Each of us has a unique demands, to a distinct stomach size and a different metabolic rate. Eat only till you feel full.

4. Consume a hot meals

While a food should ideally be a freshly are prepared, if you stay away from a any food coming straight from in the refrigerator, your digestive system will be remain healthy (Agni).

5. Eat at a consistent time

Be a regular and punctual with your meal timings because nature appreciates cycles and the uniformity.

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Saturday, September 10, 2022

World Spinal Cord are Injury Day: Most common causes of the spinal cord injuries and how to the manage them.

World Spinal Cord are Injury Day: Most common causes of the spinal cord injuries and how to the manage them.

On World Spinal Cord are Injury Day, know in the basics about it is a causes, symptoms and rehabilitation process from a doctor.

The spinal cord is the main conduit of the information and action between the brain and the rest of the body. A spinal cord is injury can damage in the spinal cord itself or the nerves at its end (Caudal equine).

The most common injuries to the spinal cord are due to the fractures of the vertebral column. These are injuries can be of the complete or a incomplete kind. In a case of the complete injuries, in the ability to the control movement and sensations below in the level of the injury are lost totally (paraplegia or a tetraplegia). Incomplete are injuries however, have a some sparing of the motor and sensory function and have a better prognosis.

Signs and symptoms of a spinal cord are injury include:

* Weakness, lack of the co-ordination, or a paralysis in a any part of your body

* Neck or a back pain with a numbness, tingling, or a loss of  the sensation in your hands, fingers, feet, or a toes.

* Loss of the bladder or a  bowel control

* Difficulty with a balance and walking

* Deformed or a twisted position of the neck or a back

* Difficulty in breathing, coughing or a clearing secretion from your lungs.

Common causes of a spinal cord injury are

* Motor vehicle in a accidents

* Falls

* Sports injuries

* Gunshot injuries

* Complications of the surgery

Management and treatment of the spinal cord injury

Severe cases are requiring critical care. In such a situations, hospitalization where medical care is available full time, is essential where in the patient is a  continuously monitored  for a  better recovery.

CT scan, MRI scans and X-rays help show in the extent of the injury inside. They also help in a deciding if the patient needs surgery for the same. Surgery, medication, and rehabilitation therapy are the current mainstays of the treatment and offer to a better quality of life in a most patients with a spinal cord injury.

With a modern surgical tools, robotics and 3D navigation, surgeries have become a safer. Minimally invasive surgery has also a further are reduced in the footprint of the spine surgery. This are reduces in the burden on the patient’s physiology facilitating early are recovery. The surgical goal is to the  stabilize and decompress in the vertebral column and spinal cord are allowing early mobilization.

Early rehabilitation are improves outcomes and prevents some complications. All patients need rehabilitation after a spinal cord injury from a team of the physical/occupational and speech therapists to get back to the activities of daily living independently or with a minimal assistance.

The long-term goals are include improving a independence, reducing a chronic health issues and restore at least some function in a incomplete injuries.

Also a read: A spinal cord injury survivor reconnects to her body through a dance on her ‘hot wheels’


The role of the robotics

Robotics has a changed the way rehabilitation is done nowadays. Neural prosthesis and ex.-skeletons are now giving a mobility and control to those who are completely paralyzed.

Those with a spinal cord injury need a good surgical and rehabilitation team along with a support groups and family training. Continuous vigilance to the prevent bed sores, venous thrombosis, lung infections and joint contractures is needed. Disable friendly infrastructure, organizational inclusiveness and skills retraining will go a long way in a making them self-sufficient.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Timing to your second baby: Is there an a ideal pregnancy gap?

Timing to your second baby: Is there an a ideal pregnancy gap?

Every couple wants to have a healthy pregnancy, but a healthy pregnancy needs in the right pregnancy gap. We have an a expert to answer how safe it is to the conceive soon after to delivering a baby.

As they say, there is never a ‘right time’ for a pregnancy – it is sometimes a matter of choice and sometimes, of the chance! While in the American College of the Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises against getting a pregnant within 6 months of the giving birth to your little one, if you happen to do so, you should just be aware of the risk factors of the  short interval pregnancy and how to the manage them.

Actors Debian Bannerjee and Gurmeet Choudhary, who welcomed in their first child, a daughter whom they named Lianna, on April 3, 2022, are expecting again! They made the joyful revelation about embracing parenthood once again, just four months after in their daughter’s delivery.

“Few decisions are divinely timed and nothing can be change that this is one such blessing. coming soon to the complete us,” read Debina’s Instagram post on their Baby No. 2. During an ‘ask-me-anything’ session, when a user mentioned, “Ma’am as in your first peg you face a lot of the problems do not you think you should wait for at least one year for the second baby (sic)?”, Debina asked, “What is your suggestion in such a situation I call miracle? ABORT?”

Well, if you are curious about in the right pregnancy gap, let us share some expert views.

Planning or a awareness should involve knowing in the effects it could have on the mother’s body and every effort must be made towards a healthy pregnancy.

To understand all about short interval in a pregnancy, Health Shots got in a touch with a Dr Sangeeta Gomes, Consultant – Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Sarjapur, Bengaluru. She explained in the risk factors of a short interval between pregnancies and what is the right pregnancy gap.

Dr Gomes says, “Spacing between a pregnancies is an a essential part of the  family planning. Closely spaced pregnancies can be negatively affect in the health of the mother and the baby. If you are planning to have a another baby, you should know how spacing is a associated with a healthy pregnancies.”

What are the risk factors associated with a closed spaced pregnancies?

Spacing between a pregnancies is an a essential part of the family planning because it allows the mother to the recover and prepare her body for a another child. Close-spaced pregnancies can have a negative consequences on the health of the mother and in the child.

Here are some risk factors associated with it:

Premature birth

Congenital disorders

Low birth weight

Maternal Anemia

Placental abrupt-ion

Dr Gomes says, “Apart from this, these kinds of the pregnancies are closely associated with in the increased risk of autism in the second-born children. Pregnancies spaced less than 12 months have the highest chances of the  developing such symptoms.”

In a addition, closely spaced pregnancies and breastfeeding can be deplete a mother’s nutritional reserves, which may be have an a impact on both your and your child’s health.

How long should to a couple wait?

Before you plan to have a another child, make sure the mother’s body has a properly recovered from the previous pregnancy. Dr Gomes says, “To prevent pregnancy complications or other health problems, it is a suggested a spacing period of 18 to 24 months should be a taken. The spacing period should be less than 5 years, and couples over the age of the  35 years should consider 12 months of  the spacing between pregnancies.”

Choosing when to have in the first baby or a second, is a personal choice. This should be discussed between you and your partner. And if you are in good health, feel ready, and your doctor approves of you based on their assessment of your general health, you need not wait two years to the conceive after delivering a baby. But make sure you carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages.

What should you keep in a mind to the ensure a healthy pregnancy?

To ensure that your body is a healthy enough for a another pregnancy, you should see a doctor before you consider conceiving again. During in this time, you should also be a monitoring to your diet as well as your physical and emotional well-being. If you want to have a healthy pregnancy, getting a prenatal care is a crucial and effective because it gives you in the support and direction you need.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Moms-to-be, keep to your iodine levels during a pregnancy in a check! Here is a why.

Moms-to-be, keep to your iodine levels during a pregnancy in a check! Here is a why.

Keeping an a eye on iodine levels during a pregnancy is a important not just for your health, but for your little one too!

A good diet loaded with a essential nutrients and the minerals is one of the secrets behind having to a healthy body. Iodine is a essential in our diet, and it is a considered as one of the most important nutrients in our body even though we only a require it in the tiniest amount (around 140 micro-grams per day). It has a special significance when it comes to the development of the fetus. Iodine helps in the physical and the  mental development of the baby. But sometimes we overlook in the importance of the nutrients and minerals in our diet. Here is why iodine is  a essential for a fetal development.

Why is a iodine necessary in a pregnancy?

Iodine plays to a vital role in a maintaining normal functions of the body. It is a maintains the thyroid gland which are regulates metabolism, body temperature, heart rate and other vital body functions.

Iodine ensures that the fetus develops in a healthy way and has a healthy thyroid. Having an a underdeveloped thyroid is a rare, but when a baby has an a underdeveloped thyroid, they are show negative signs like a low IQ, slow physical and mental development.

Iodine is so essential in a fetal development that women are advised to take a 150 m c g each day before pregnancy. It should be a 220 m c g during a pregnancy and 299 m c g while breastfeeding.

Iodine plays to a huge role in a healthy breastfeeding. Since to you pass iodine to your baby through to your breast milk, make sure that there is a sufficient iodine for in their growth after birth.

Signs and symptoms of the low iodine levels in a body

Understanding in  the significance of the  iodine during a pregnancy, you must be a wanting to the ensure that your body has the right amount of  the iodine for your baby’s development. Here are some signs and symptoms that are suggest low iodine levels in your body –

1. Weight gain

We are mentioned that iodine is a responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid hormone which are regulates metabolism. Imbalance of  the thyroid hormone can be affect metabolism of your body. But it should also be a noted that weight gain is not always a sign of  the iron deficiency.

2. Weakness

Low energy levels can be a symptom of the  iodine deficiency. Due to the less energy, you may be feel difficulty with a performing tasks that take a strength.

3. Tiredness

Due to the drop in your body’s metabolism, you will feel a unusually tired and lazy.

4. Swollen neck

Lack of  the iodine can be cause in the thyroid gland to the  swell up. This is a situated in the neck area.

5. Dry skin

Dry skin is a sign of the hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones help in a cell renewal. Imbalance of it can be cause in the dead skin cells to the build up on the skin.

6. Hair loss

Thyroid hormones are support in the renewal of the  hair follicles. An a imbalance in these hormones can be a  cause hair fall.

7. Heavy and irregular periods

When women are not a pregnant,  a thyroid hormone imbalance can be affect the levels of the hormones that are affect menstruation.

Treatment options and how to the  maintain iodine levels?

To diagnose the iodine deficiency, to a doctor will do a physical examination and ask you to take a urine test. Further tests such as a ultrasound can be a suggested to take a good look at the thyroid gland. If you are diagnosed with a iodine deficiency, you may be a referred to an a endocrinologist.

Iodine deficiency is a generally treated with an a appropriate diet. You have to the include food that helps you maintain iodine levels like a seafood, egg, yogurt etc. Some people also a take Iodine supplements to the maintain iodine levels.

People with a hypothyroidism are treated with a special kind of the  synthetic thyroid hormone that they have to take for in the rest of their lives.

The last word

Iodine is a essential for not only the normal functioning of your body but also plays a vital role in your baby’s development. You need to look after your diet. You can be get the iodine you need through a proper diet. If you have a doubts, then you can consult your doctor and go for a tests to the ensure that your iodine levels are normal.

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7 factors which spike the risk of lifestyle diseases in women.

7 factors which are spike in the risk of the lifestyle diseases in a women.

Here are all the major causes of the  lifestyle diseases in a women and how you can be a avoid them. Make sure you follow in the tips and stay healthy.

Chronic diseases is a significant global public health in a issue. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that are chronic lifestyle diseases will be a account for a 70 percent of the  global deaths by a 2030. Women worldwide face unique health concerns due to a unhealthy ways of the living. Most women are hardwired to look after a families first without a paying attention to their own health and in a fact neglecting it on most occasions. And this is a further compounded if they are working women trying to the  balance home and work. Balancing home and work is a difficult process and the requires considerable skill.

This may be lead to the irregular meal patterns, missing meals, lack of the sleep, stress, lack of the physical activity, addictions, poor relationships—all of which contribute to the development of the  lifestyle diseases (chronic diseases or a non-communicable diseases).

What are some major lifestyle diseases in a women?

Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and some types of the  cancer are some of the lifestyle diseases. They can be lead to the loss of the independence, years of the disability, or a death, imposing a considerable economic burden on a health services.

What can you do to keep lifestyle diseases at the  bay?

Maintaining to a healthy weight, regularly exercising, eating to a healthy diet, and not smoking reduces in the risk of the  developing chronic diseases by a 80 percent. An a unhealthy lifestyle forms in the root cause of all lifestyle diseases, as they often originate in a childhood, develop silently over time, and manifest without a warning, also called silent killers.

What is a increases the risk of  the lifestyle diseases in a women?

1. Unhealthy eating habits

Unhealthy meal patterns and the irregular meal timings lead to the hidden hunger, which means loss of  the micro-nutrients leading to the deficiencies.

2. Stress:

Stress, lack of  the sleep, and lack of the physical activity contribute to the  weight gain. Stress and lack of the sleep increase in the levels of the hormone cortisol, which leads to the inflammation in the body. Cortisol increases hunger and cravings, leading to the weight gain. This may be lead to the  pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal problems, and finally P C O S.

3. Age

Women are at a high risk of the  cardiovascular disease and diabetes as early as a 35 years of  the age. Heart disease is the leading cause of  the preventable death among women.

4. Menopause

Before  menopause, to a woman’s own estrogen helps protect her from lifestyle diseases, especially heart disease, by a increasing H D L (good) cholesterol and the decreasing L D L (bad) cholesterol. Women have a greater overall cholesterol levels than males do after menopause. Triglyceride levels are a significant factor.

5. Diabetes

Diabetes are increases in the risk of the  heart disease in a women more than it does in a men with a risk factors like a obesity, hypertension, and high cholesterol. Diabetes doubles the risk of a second heart attack and heart failure in a women who have already had a heart attack.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Women who have a metabolic syndrome, which are includes to a large waist, high blood pressure, glucose intolerance, low H D L cholesterol, and high triglycerides, are more likely to the develop heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

7. Smoking

Compared to the men, women who smoke are more likely to the experience a heart attack. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases are all the  influenced by a persistent, low-grade inflammation.

How can women avoid a lifestyle diseases?

Adopting healthy behaviors, improving physical activity, stopping tobacco, a high-fiber, low-fat diet to the control body weight, good sleeping habits, avoiding a excessive alcohol, coping with a stress, and seeking support as a needed, reduces in the risk of the death due to the lifestyle diseases.

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Monday, September 5, 2022

त्योहार या शुभ दिन का अपने नाम और फोटो वाला शुभेच्छा कार्ड Riser App पे फ्री में कैसे बनाये?

त्योहार या शुभ दिन का अपने नाम और फोटो वाला  शुभेच्छा कार्ड Riser App पे फ्री में कैसे बनाये?


Riser Ek India का पहला ऐसा प्लेटफॉर्म पूरी तरह से और विशेष रूप से हमारी भारतीय महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने के लिए बनाया गया है। जहां हमारी भारतीय महिला अपने पास जो भी कौशल और प्रतिभा हैउसका मुद्रीकरण करके पैसा कमा सकती है।

सबसे पहले Riser App की रेफ़्रेन्स लिंक पर क्लिक करे और अगर आप Riser App पर नए है तो रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करे चलो जानते हैऔर आगे अपने नाम और फोटो का शुभेरछा कार्ड कैसे बनाये ये शिखते है 

राइजर ऐप पर रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे करें?


Step 1:- सबसे पहले अपना Google Chrome ओपन करें और फिर सर्च करें। और फिर Riser App की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट खुल जाती है।



Step 2:- उसके बाद पेज पर जाकर अपनी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी भरेंपासवर्ड अपने तरीके से सेट करें और 'सबमिटबटन पर क्लिक करें।



Step 3: - 'सबमिटके बादसाइट को 'बंदकरेंफिर से उसी साइट पर जाएं और अपने नंबर और पासवर्ड का उपयोग करके 'लॉग इनकरें।


और फिर 'नीचे स्क्रॉल करेंऔर अपने 'Refernce Link’ को कॉपी करें और इसे अपने दोस्तों और सभी सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर Forward करें।


चलो अब सीखते है की Riser App पर त्योहार के आने पर शुभेरछा कार्ड पर अपना नाम और फोटो कैसे डाले।

Step 1: सबसे पहले Riser App की रेफरेन्स लिंक पर क्लिक करे और लॉगिन करके  प्रोफाइल में जा कर अपना Photo अपलोड करे



Step 2: इसके बाद निचे स्क्रॉल करके अपडेट पे क्लिक कीजिये आपकी Photo Add हो जाएगी।

Step: 3 उसके बाद निचे स्क्रॉल करेंगे तो त्यौहार के हिसाब से फोटो और लिंक दी गई होगी। आप 'Share Whatsapp ' पर क्लिक करके अपने फ्रेंड्स को अन्य व्यक्तिओ को यह लिंक share कर शकेंगे और आपकी यह Reference लिंक के जरिये आप अन्य व्यक्तिओ को Riser App पर जोईन कर शकेंगे।

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