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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Controversial Health Tonic.

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Controversial Health Tonic.


Vinegar comes from the French word meaning ‘sour wine’ and is made from a ferment-able carbohydrate in a source. When the source is a apple juice, it is known as a apple cider vinegar. Why is it called a cider vinegar? That is because it is made from the fruits.

When the vinegar is made from a distilled alcohol obtained from the grains or the starch of the cereals or a potatoes, it is called white or a distilled vinegar. The distilled vinegar has an a acidity of the 4 percent, while in the acidity of the cider vinegar ranges from 5 to 6 percent.

The acetic acid in a apple cider vinegar (A C V) is what gives it is a tanginess and tart flavor. However, diluted acetic acid and vinegar is not in the same thing.

According to the FDA, ‘Diluted acetic acid is not a vinegar and should not be a added to food products customarily expected to the contain vinegar’. Basically, apple cider vinegar or a A C V contains vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, and C), minerals (magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus and calcium and iron in a small amounts), nonvolatile organic acids such as a tartaric acid, citric acid, malice acid and lactic acids, and polyphonic compounds like Gallic acid, catechist, caffeine acid and ferule acid.

Medicinal Use of  the Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (A C V) has been a used since ages in a traditional remedies as a miracle healer for a migraine headaches, hypertension, diabetes, chronic fatigue, external wounds, and even to the kill head lice and fight inflammation. It is also used as a weight loss agent. So much so, people are trying out in the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet to the shed pounds. But, are these claims true? Are there scientific evidences proving in the effectiveness of  the A C V to the treat these conditions? Here is a rundown on some of these claims.

Vinegar, cider

The nutritional values of  the "Vinegar, cider" per 100 grams are:

Nutrition Summary

Total Calories 21

Protein 0 g

Fat 0.4 g

Carbohydrate 0.9 g

Nutrients Amount %Daily Value

Calcium, Ca 7 mg 0.7 %

Copper, Cu 0.01 mg 0.4 %

Iron, Fe 0.2  mg 1.11 %

Magnesium, Mg 5 mg 1.25 %

Manganese, Mn 0.25 mg 12.45 %

Phosphorus, P 8 mg 0.8 %

Potassium, K 73  mg 2.09 %


Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antigenicity Effect -

( M C 1785201/)

Ostman E, Granfeldt Y, Persson L, Björck I. Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases satiety after a bread meal in healthy subjects. Eur J Cline Nu tr. 2005 Sep;59(9):983-8. -


Kondo T, Kishi M, Fushimi T, Kaga T. Acetic acid up-regulates the expression of the genes for a fatty acid oxidation enzymes in a liver to the suppress body fat accumulation. J Agricola Food Chem. 2009 Jul 8;57(13):5982-6. -


Shishehbor F, Mansoori A, Sarkaki AR, Jalali MT, Latifi SM. Apple cider vinegar attenuates lipid profile in a normal and diabetic rats. Pak J Biol Sci. 2008 Dec 1;11(23):2634-8. -


Liatis S, Grammatikou S, Poulia KA, Perrea D, Makrilakis K, Diakoumopoulou E, Katsilambros N. Vinegar reduces postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with type II diabetes when added to a high, but not to a low, glycaemic index meal. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010 Jul;64(7):727-32. E pub 2010 May 26. -


Johnston CS, Steplewska I, Long CA, Harris LN, Royals RH. Examination of the antigenicity properties of vinegar in healthy adults. Ann Nu tr Me-tab. 2010;56(1):74-9. -


Kondo S, Tayama K, Tsukamoto Y, Ikeda K, Yamori Y. Antihypertensive effects of the acetic acid and vinegar on spontaneously hypertensive rats. Bio-sci Bio-technol Biochem. 2001 Dec;65(12):2690-4. -


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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Anesthesia - History.

Anesthesia - History.

Anesthesia history - Introduction

Anesthesia plays a very important role in the field of the medical surgery. One cannot possibly think of the undergoing to a surgery without a being anesthetized. Before in the discovery of the various anesthetic agents people underwent severe pain and the agony. Patients were strapped down or a were given alcohol and other sedative drugs to the ameliorate in the pain of the surgery. Surgery sans pain would have remained to a dream of the ester years if not for anesthesia, which has now made it a reachable reality!

Various anesthetic drugs like a alcohol, opium (poppy), hyoscine, cannabis (hemp), cocaine were all used in the by a gone era to the relive pain. But till date it is in the structure of the  morphine (opium alkaloids) that are serves as a model for the synthesis of other modern synthetic anesthetic agents.

Anesthesia - History and Origins.


"Doctor, will you give me a chloroform or a anesthesia?"

This is the often-repeated query by a many patients about to the undergo an a operation. Little do they know that chloroform became a obsolete decades ago. Anesthesia has come to a long way since then, being much more safe today than it was a long time ago. General anesthesia as it is called a today can be a administered with a just to a small prick of a needle, injecting in the unaesthetic into the person's vein of the hand, while he falls into a deep slumber to wake up after in the surgery.

What would it be like to the undergo an a operation without a anesthesia? A torture of the worst in a kind. And that is how our ancestors felt when they had to have an a operation. No wonder then, without in the benefit of the anesthesia to make them oblivious to the pain of surgery, they depended on magic, rituals and incantations to cure their symptoms. the Advancement in a anesthesia techniques helped in the development of the surgery too and take it to new heights in a last ten to the twenty years

It would be a difficult to talk about in the origin of the anesthesia without taking note of the first pain relieving in a drugs. The ancient Egyptians used a poppy seeds (from which opium is a derived) during in the operations. The Romans used in the extract of the Mandragora plant to the alleviate pain, in the Greek used herbs like a hemp and the Chinese used cannabis. Some of these were used for a surgery, but anesthesia as it is a exists today was a unknown.

Between 2nd and 5th century, people used a mandragora mixed with a wine and opium for a surgery. Sometimes physical methods like a compression of the blood vessels or the nerves by a means of the clamps applied over in the limbs were used to numb in the area. 'Refrigeration anesthesia' meant using a cold water or a snow to numb in the region so that surgeries like a amputations or a abscesses drainage could be done; however in the numbing procedure itself meant nothing short of the torture. Blood letting, hypnosis, even the barbaric custom of the giving to a forceful knock on the patient's head, to give rise to a concussion and render in the patient unconscious were used as a means of the  anesthetizing someone.

Local Anesthesia.

What is a Local Anesthesia?

Local anesthesia, simply means injecting in the local anesthetic ("freezing") around in  the nerve of the affected area to make it is a pain free. Technically speaking, local anesthetics are drugs that are block sensory and motor nerve impulse in a  conduction, mainly to the produce temporary loss of  the sensation without loss of  the consciousness.

The loss of the sensation is a usually restricted to the area where in the injection is a applied while a other areas of the body are not a affected. Local anesthetics are readily absorbed through mucous membranes and damaged in a skin. For a certain procedures, addition of the adrenaline along with in the anesthetic drug can be used to prolong in the duration of the local anesthesia.

Local anesthetics can be a applied close to the nerve of any part of the body, namely, a finger, an a eyelid, the foot or a tooth that are requires an a operation without other areas getting anesthetized. It can be a applied to the mouth, nose or a any area lined by a mucous membrane in the form of a spray, or gel or by a means of an a injection; operations can then be a performed on the affected part while in the patient remains conscious.

What are some of the Local Anesthetic Drugs?

Lignocaine (Lidocaine): It is a commonly used a local anesthetic in a drug. After a administration, it has a rapid onset of the action within a 3 minutes. When combined with a adrenaline, in the duration can be a extended up to 1 or 2 hours.

Bupivacaine : It is a potent local anesthetic and takes up to the 30 minutes for a full effect and has a longer duration of the action.

What are the Indications for a Local Anesthesia?

Local anesthetics can be used alone or in a combination with a other types of the anesthetic agents such as a spinal or a epidural anesthetics.

Local anesthesia is given to reduce in  the stress associated with a surgery, and to the provide pain relief after a surgery.

More commonly, it is used for a pain caused by a hemorrhoids, fissures, insect bites, and minor burns. It is a applied topically for in these conditions.

It is also a indicated for a vaginal, rectal and otological examinations, cystoscopy, and cauterization.

What are the Advantages of the using Local Anesthesia?

Local anesthesia avoids some of the risks and unpleasantness associated with a other forms of the anesthesia, such as a nausea and vomiting.

The anesthetic action are extends for a longer than required and therefore provides pain relief for a several hours after in the operation.

Local anesthesia is a associated with a reduced blood loss.

It gives in the patient a sense of the being more "in a control" as they are awake during in the procedure.

The patient returns to the normal eating, walking and other activities faster than in a general anesthesia. He may even be able to the return home in the same day following in the surgery.

What are the Adverse Effects of the Local Anesthesia?

It is a very important to be a alert following local anesthesia because adverse in a symptoms may be occur quickly without a any warning.

Convulsions, tremors, dizziness, blurred vision, nervousness, nausea

Cardiovascular collapse and the cardiac arrest may be also a occur in a some cases

Paralysis of the injected area

What are the Contraindications for a Local Anesthesia?

Local anesthetics are contraindicated if there is a history of the previous hypersensitivity to the local unaesthetic, sunscreens, sulpha drugs or a hair dyes.

Other contraindications would depend on the specific local anesthetic are used.

Are Local Anesthetics Painful when a Administered?

Most local administration techniques are involve to using a syringe and a needle to the inject drugs into the correct place. The technique can be a slightly uncomfortable, accompanied by a stinging sensation. But there is no reason to the worry, as the pain associated with in the administration is more bearable than the injury itself.

Do Local Anesthetics have a Good Efficiencies?

When the right amount of the local anesthetic drug is a injected into the affected area, it will be a eventually work and provide good pain relief.

What Can be a Done If I Still Experience Pain after a being Administered to a Local Anesthetic?

More amount of the anesthetic can be a added in a order to achieve in the desired result.

Some sedative can be a given to the  ensure better relaxation and the  comfort.

Other forms of the anesthesia can be a considered in a some cases.


N C I Dictionary of the Cancer Terms -


Local Anesthesia -


Local Anesthetics: Review of the  Pharmacological Considerations -

( M C 3403589/)

Essentials of the Local Anesthetic Pharmacology -

( M C 1693664/)

Use of the  Local Anesthesia for a Pediatric Dental Patients -


Local Anesthetic -


How to Make a Local Anesthesia Less Painful -

( M C 2840881/)

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Acyclovir for the Treatment of the Shingles.

Acyclovir for the Treatment of the Shingles.

What is a Shingles?

Shingles is a condition that are causes to a painful skin rash with a blisters. It is appears along to a nerve due to the reactivation of the varicella zoster infection.

The varicella zoster virus (V Z V) causes chickenpox, which are usually affects susceptible children. After in the primary infection, in the V Z V lays dormant in the dorsal-root ganglia, in the parts of the nervous system from where sensory nerves arise. When the person’s immune in a system is a compromised or a during old age, in the V Z V can get a reactivated and cause herpes zoster, commonly known as a shingles.

The rash of the shingles comprises of the blisters and occurs in a single stripe either on the left or a right of the body or a face, along in the course of a nerve. There may be a tingling or a local pain in the area a day or a two before in the appearance of the rash. The healing period for in the rash is two to four weeks; except when a ongoing nerve pain (prosthetic neuralgia) are develops, which pushes in the healing to the months or a years. The rash can be a widespread if you have to a poor immune function. Vision loss may be occur if the eyes get a affected.

What is a Acyclovir?

Acyclovir, to a nucleoside analogue, is the first successful antiviral medication, and the works well against most species in the herpes-virus in a  family. It is a effective against viral infections that are include herpes simplex virus (H S V 1 and H S V 2) infections, chickenpox, and the shingles.

Acyclovir’s are discovery was a announced in a 1977, though it was a approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the available for a commercial use only in a 1982. Acyclovir is a included in the World Health Organization (WHO) “List of  the Essential medicines”, which are includes drugs that are "in the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system".

How is a Acyclovir Administered?

Acyclovir can be taken a orally as a capsule, oral suspension, or a tablet, applied as a cream, or can be a injected.

Oral treatment of the shingles:

Adults and children 12 years of the age and older are prescribed 800 mg five times a day for a seven to the ten days.

Children less than a 12 years of the age are prescribed dosages based on their age or a body weight.

Limitations in a giving the drug orally are its low bio-availability (in the amount of the drug that is a absorbed and reaches in the circulation) and its frequent dosing (five times daily).

Treatment of the shingles via injection:

The inject-able dose for a children as well as a adults must be a determined by the doctor who decides it is based on the body weight of the patient. The drug is a injected into a vein over at the least a one-hour period. It is a repeated every eight hours for a five to ten days.

The intravenous administration is a considered generally only in a patients who are severely compromised or unable to take in the medications orally.

The usual dose for a adults and children 12 years of the age and older is 5 to 10 mg of the  acyclovir per kg of the body weight.

The usual dose for a children less than 12 years of the  age is 10 mg to 20 mg of the acyclovir per kg of  the body weight.

What is the Mechanism of Action of the Acyclovir?

Acyclovir acts on the DNA of the susceptible viruses, which is a critical for in their survival. It is a converted to its mono-phosphate form by a viral enzyme, and is a later converted into it is a tree phosphate form, acyclovir tree phosphate (A C V-T P) by a cellular enzymes. The phosphate form then gets a incorporated into the DNA and deactivates in the DNA polymer enzyme that is a required for a viral DNA synthesis. In a doing so, it terminates the growing viral DNA chain and prevents further DNA production.

Points to Note:

Acyclovir is a poorly water-soluble and is a slowly and poorly absorbed from the digestive tract into the circulation resulting in a very low oral bio-availability of  the 15–30%. This bio-availability further decreases with a increasing dose. Therefore, intravenous administration is a preferred when high concentrations are needed

The drug is a highly distributed into a tissues and body fluids. Protein binding is a relatively low at the 9 to 33%.

The drug is a mostly eliminated unchanged out of the body through in the kidneys; in the rate at which in the drug is a eliminated depends on the age of the patient.

Caution is a advised when giving the drug to those with a poor liver or a kidney function.

Acyclovir-is considered as a Category B drug for a pregnant women and is a considered as a relatively safe.

Acyclovir are appears to be a safe during breastfeeding.

When simultaneously given with a another drug providence, in the latter can reduce in the excretion of the acyclovir in the urine, thereby increasing its blood level.

What are the Side Effects of the Acyclovir?

Nausea and diarrhea

Headache, lightheartedness, malaise

Abdominal pain

Reactions at the site of the injection during IV use

Potentially serious side effects are include kidney problems and low platelet levels in a blood.

With in the topical form, one can be suffer from a mild pain, burning and stinging locally.


Acosta E P, Balfour H H. Acyclovir for a Treatment of  the Prosthetic Neuralgia: Efficacy and Pharmaceutics. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2001;45(10):2771-2774.

Sampathkumar P, D rage LA, Martin DP. Herpes Zoster (Shingles) and Prosthetic Neuralgia. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2009;84(3):274-280.

DE Bony F, Tod M, Biddable R, On NT, Poser J, Rolan P. Multiple Interactions of the Cimetidine and the  Providence with a Valaciclovir and It is a Metabolite Acyclovir. Antimicrobial Agents and the Chemotherapy. 2002;46(2):458-463.

Gnann J W Jr, Barton NH, Whitley R J. Acyclovir: mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, safety and clinical applications. Pharmacotherapy. 1983 Sep-Oct;3(5):275-83.

Acyclovir -


Acyclovir Oral Route Intravenous Route -


What is a Acyclovir? -


Why is this medication  are prescribed? -


Prescribing Information -

( FDA_docs/label/2005/018828s030,020089s019,019909s020lbl.pdf).

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Friday, August 12, 2022

Predicted to the die, super-giant star closest to the Earth is a recovering from a injuries.

Predicted to the die, super-giant star closest to the Earth is a recovering from a injuries.

Betelgeuse is the nearest red super-giant star to the Earth and it has been a predicted to the explode. However, new observations reveal it is a not ready to give up yet.


Betelgeuse is the nearest red super-giant star to the Earth

It is a  garnered global attention when it is a suddenly began  to a dimming in a 2019

The bright red super-giant star did blow up it is a top in a 2019

Every journey has a beginning and an a end, and so is the case for a cosmic objects, one among them is a red super-giant star — Betelgeuse. The star, in it is a final stages, is on a course to the explode and a part of did blow up in a 2019. Surprisingly, in the Hubble telescope has now  a witnessed it is a recovering from the event.

Betelgeuse is the nearest red super-giant star to the Earth and it  is a garnered global attention when it is a  suddenly began dimming in a 2019. It would be the first time that we will see a star collapsing and in the exploding as it is a  happens, making it a gold mine for a astrophysical research.

Astronomers have now to a confirmed with a evidence that the bright red super-giant star did blow up it is a top in a 2019, losing to a substantial part of it is a visible surface and producing to a gigantic Surface Mass Ejection (S M E). However, this was not in the same as that seen on our Sun, when it is a blows off it is a tenuous outer atmosphere in an a event called in  the Coronal Mass Ejection.

The explosion on a Betelgeuse, instead, blasted off the 400 billion times as much mass as a typical C M E on the Sun. Now, it is a slowly recovering from that are catastrophic are injury.

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"Betelgeuse continues doing a some very unusual things right now. The interior is a sort of the bouncing," Andrea Duper of the Center for a Astrophysics | Harvard & the Smithsonian in a Cambridge said in a statement.


Astronomers used in the Hubble telescope and in the several other observatories to look at the star since a 2019. The observations are yield clues as to the how red stars lose mass late in their lives as their nuclear fusion furnaces burn a out, before a exploding as a supernova. NASA said that the amount of the mass loss significantly affects in their fate. However, Betelgeuse's are surprisingly petulant behavior is not a evidence that in the star is about to the blow up a anytime soon.

"We have never before seen to a huge mass to a ejection of the surface of a star. We are left with a something going on that we do not a completely understand. It is a totally new phenomenon that we can be a observe directly and resolve surface details with a Hubble. We are watching a stellar evolution in a real-time," Andrea Duper added.

Researchers used to a spectroscopic and imaging data from in the STELLA robotic are  observatory,in the Fred L. Whipple Observatory's Tilling-hast Reflector Rachelle Spirograph (TREES), NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory in a spacecraft (STEREO-A), NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, and in the American Association of the Variable Star Observers (A A V S O).

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Observatories are trained towards Betelgeuse in a 2019 noticed in the star to be a suddenly dimming in a brightness, which was a initially understood to be the beginning of it is a end. However, further are analysis revealed that the unexpected dimming was a caused by an a immense amount of the hot material ejected into a space, forming to a dust cloud that blocked starlight coming towards us.

Astronomers speculate that in the explosion was a likely caused by a plume, more than a million miles across, bubbling up from a deep inside in the star that produced pulsations that blasted off the chunk of the photo-sphere leaving in the star with a large cool surface area under in the dust cloud.

One of the brightest stars in the sky, Betelgeuse, is a easily found on the right shoulder of the constellation Orion, making it is a visible to even backyard telescopes. The star is now so big that if it is a replaced with the Sun at the center of our solar system, it is a outer surface would extend past in the orbit of  the Jupiter.

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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Horoscope from a July 31 to August 6.

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Horoscope from a July 31 to August 6.

Your Weekly Tarot Card predictions for a all the zodiac signs are here.


You may be face some problems at the work or in your career. Be persistent and focus on one thing instead of the multitasking. Watch to your income and money are closely. Spend wisely and do not take a any loans or a make any investments. You may be a dealing with a difficult relationships, or your partner might be a dominating or a controlling and may want things to the  happen in their way. It could also a mean loss of the freedom. For a singles, this is not a good time to the enter a new relationship or a date.


Your relationship will be have a romance, and to your partner will be a affectionate and caring. If you are single, you are like to the meet someone you will be have an a instant liking for. If you like someone, it is time to let them know how you feel about them. You may become to a victim of the fraud, betrayal or a cheating at the work. You need to the  revise to your plans and strategy. Avoid a making any investments at this time.


You will be remain focused on a work and deadlines. Go out and meet people and strengthen to your networking in a skills; it will be help you achieve to your career or a business goals. Do not get too absorbed in a work; take time out for yourself. The relationship with a family and partner will be a calm, but you will be want some time and space to yourself. Do not overthink. Spend time planning for a something you have been a nurturing for a some time.


In a love, you will be at your best, go all out, express to your feelings and spend time with your partner. Get a involved with a people you love and share a happiness with to your loved ones and friends. You will be a fully geared to take on the challenges and prepared for in the journey ahead. Financial security will be your primary concern, but do not take a any hasty decisions regarding job are change. Work hard and plan to the ensure success.


You will be a dedicated & committed to your work. If you have been a working towards a goal, your efforts will be pay off. There could be a new job or a starting to a business where your skills will be a put to use. Financially, there will be a stability as a result of the careful planning & hard work. Your love life might feel be stuck and not moving forward. You may be not know how to the articulate what you have been thinking or a feeling. So, you may be need some time to the  figure things out.


This week is marked by a sense of the restlessness and in the feeling of the something missing. Whether single or a married, it seems like you have too much going on in your life right now, trying to the balance to your life and perhaps trying to the please your partner. You may be have to decide on the future of your relationship. Professionally, you may be a walking away from your job or a career change. Be careful with a money as there could be a some financial loss.


There will be a love, commitment and partnership based on a shared values. Entering to a mutually beneficial partnership with a friend or a business associate is a indicated. You and your partner will be have mutual respect and understanding for one another. Those hoping to the find love are likely to meet in  their potential partner. There will be a financial stability & you will be taking care of your expenses. Be practical with a money and wise with a expenses.


Your relationship will be have a love, caring, emotional fulfillment and security. You will be enjoy deeper love at this moment. Be open and the honest about to your feelings and emotions but do not expect too much from a people around you. Treat to your partner with a love and affection. The stress in your work seems to be a increased, leaving you worried about to your workload, stability, security and what happens in the future. You may be a chasing deadlines while a coping with a lack of  the resources and support from a coworkers.


You will be a fierce and strong-willed towards achieving to your goal. You may be consider working on a new idea, to a project that utilities to  your intellect, Obstacles will be get a removed, and success is on it is a way. Stay focused, and do not let anything distract you. This is the week of the commitment and promises in your relationship. You need to be a patient and will be have to the put in a equal effort to make to your bond grow stronger.


You and to your partner will be enjoy good times together and express to your feelings freely. Singles stand a good chance of the finding love or a meeting someone. You will be get support or  a guidance from an a older male at the workplace. There will be a financial security and stability but be balanced in your approach, i.e. neither neglect finances nor get over a focused on a money.


There could be a some differences or a misunderstandings with  to your spouse. There may be a lack of the commitment in your relationship. If there is a someone you are interested in, he or she may be not be looking at a serious long-term relationship at the moment. You will be a content with in the money flow and acknowledgement coming to your way. Your position in your workplace will be a secure.

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Raksha Bandhan on 2022: From wellness retreats to the investments. quirky gifts for your sibling.

Raksha Bandhan on 2022: From wellness retreats to the investments. quirky gifts for your sibling.

The festival is the symbol of the bond between in a siblings. Here are unique ways to make in the day special for your siblings

Raksha Bandhan (August 11), occurs in the sacred month of the  Shravana. The festival is the symbol of the bond between a siblings. Traditionally, in the significance of the  Raksha Bandhan cent-res around to a sister tying rakhi (sacred thread) to her brother and in the latter promising to the protect her. The day also a involves siblings exchanging in a gifts. With a changing times, in the gifting choices have also a changed.

Here is a curated list of the  unique gifts:

Travel junkie

Does to your sibling love to the  travel? Is s/he a wanderlust? Or you both are perhaps? Surprise to your partner-in-crime with to a trip to their favorite destination or a help them strike one off from in their bucket list. You can make it is a extra special by a going on a sibling trip. If the time is too short to the plan a mini vacancy, you can take to a one-day trip to a nearby destination. Make in the day just about you two and leave in the family behind.

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Are you tired of the watching to your sibling laboring throughout in the week at the workplace and want them to the relax and chill? Encourage them to the engage in a some self-care by a gifting them to a digital detox or a spiritual course at a wellness center. You can also a book to a spa session to the help in them distress.

If your sibling is a fitness enthusiast, you can be present them with a gym membership or a buy them a gym wear or kit or a fitness band or a ring to the  help them monitor in their health.

Financial security

What better time than Raksha Bandhan to the secure to your sibling’s future by making to a financial investment for them? Present them with to a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). A SIP in a mutual funds will be help to your sibling achieve in their objectives, such as a saving for a wedding or a buying to a vehicle, etc, by allowing them to make a monthly investments. In a India, gold is a considered an a auspicious and popular gift. Instead of the  buying physical, take in the digital route by a investing in a Gold E T F in their name. In times of the financial crisis, gold will be act as a lifesaver.

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The pandemic taught us in the importance of the health and that emergency in the funds. Though you may be a believe that now is not the ideal time to the consider insurance, it is a probably in the best choice you can make for them. It can be a life, health, travel, property, long-term disability, and auto insurance. There are a variety of the insurance covers in the market from which you can be  pick and choose.

Sweet touch

If your sibling has a sweet tooth, make in  the day sweeter by a presenting them with a various chocolates and desserts. Gift them Cocoa Cellar’s alcohol-infused desserts, My-protein's Whey Gift Box, or The Healthy Variety Gift Box from a Happy Jars. Mad Over Donuts has a special Raksha Bandhan box comprising delicious doughnuts in a different flavors. If doughnuts are not your scene, you can also a opt for a Cheesecake Gift Boxes from a Love & Cheesecake. For in the health-conscious sibling, present them with a Power Cummings's exquisite gift pack comprising of the different types of the gummier catering to the various needs. 

These are just a few ideas which you can be a consider while choosing to a Raksha Bandhan gift. Whatever you choose to the gift, add to a personal touch to make it is a  special.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Tame to your high BP issues with in these yoga asanas and Pranayam techniques.

Tame to your high BP issues with in these yoga asanas and Pranayam techniques.

Do these yoga asanas daily for your health and well-being. An a expert tells you how yoga for a high BP is the most natural way to the control it.

High blood pressure is an a issue that affects many people on a daily basis. When blood is a pushed against blood vessel walls at an a abnormally high pressure, it is a referred to as high blood pressure. The heart has to work harder to the pump blood throughout in the body because of this condition. Having in this for an a extended period of the time can lead to the heart failure and hardening of the arteries. While a dietary changes and lifestyle tweaks can help, many experts are suggest yoga for a high BP.

“Yoga can be in the ideal choice for a not only controlling but also a lowering in the elevated blood pressure level if someone is looking for a natural way to the lower high BP. Heart attacks and even kidney-related issues can be a result from high blood pressure. It frequently results from a extreme stress and panic,” says

Yoga guru and Naturotherapist Dr. Surrender Choudhary, Founder – Yoga Sanjivani and Boon-wellness.

Here are 5 yoga asanas that will be help you lower to your high BP naturally.

1. Uttanasana (Standing forward a bend pose)

Uttanasana, or in the standing forward bend pose, is a calming and healthy for your nervous system. Your hamstrings and abdominal muscles are stretched by in the asana.

2. Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose)

The gentle stance of the  Viparita Karani asana helps to calm in the body. You will be look younger and your blood circulation will be a improved by in this asana.

3. Adho mukha svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

One of the most popular yoga asanas is the downward-facing dog pose, or a adho mukha svanasana. It is the most reviving yoga in a pose. Do this to the unwind to your body and quiet to your mind.

4. Pashchimottanasana (Seated Forward a Bend Pose)

One of the best yoga poses for a stress treatment is a Paschimottanasana. Additionally, it is a reduces anxiety, aggression, and irritation.

5. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)

Your neck, spine, and chest will be a stretched in this pose. It helps to the relax you and strengthens to your back muscles.

Pranayama to the control high BP or a hypertension

In a addition, those who have a high blood pressure can benefit greatly from a pranayama (yogic breathing in a  exercises). It has a long been understood that maintaining to a regular exercise schedule and healthy eating routines lowers blood pressure.

1. Anulom-Vilom:

For a best results, perform anulom-vilom for at the least 7 to 15 minutes.

How to do a anulom-vilom

* Sit in a comfortable in a position.

* Keep to your left hand on the left knee.

* Take to your right hand towards your noise.

* Once you exhale, use your right thumb to close in the right nostril.

* Now a inhale via your left nostril, and close in the left nostril with your fingers.

* Open in the right nostril and exhale through in this side.

* Repeat!

2. Bhramari:

Bhramari must be a practiced for at the least 5-7 minutes.

How to do a Bhramari

* Sit comfortably in an a asana of your choice.

* Shut to your eyes gently and take a deep breaths.

* Close to your ear lids with your thumbs.

* Now put to your index finger right above to  your eyebrows and in the rest of your fingers over  to your eyes.

* Put a gentle pressure to the sides of the  your nose·

* Focus on the center of your eyebrows.

* While a keeping to  your mouth closed, exhale slowly through to your nose.

* Hum Om for in the maximum benefits.

3. Shitali:

Shitali aids in a blood purification. Additionally, it is a lowers blood pressure and the  relieves tension. Perform it is a 5–7 times.

How to do it

* Sit in a comfortable asana with to  your hands on your knees

* Close to your eyes

* Now roll up in  the tongue, shaping it like a tube

* Try to the  inhale via the tongue

* Then take in the tongue inside in  the mouth and close it

* Exhale via in  the nostrils

4. Chandra Bhedi:

Through consistent use of this Pranayama, blood pressure is a lowered and in the body feels chilled. Spend a 5-7 minutes on it.

How to do it

* Sit in a any comfortable position such as a Sukhasana or a Padmasana

* Place in the left hand on your left knee.

* Close to  your right nostril to your right hand’s in a thumb

* Breathe deeply from in  the left nose and then close in the left nose with in  the fingers of the hand.

* Hold to your breath.

* Slowly exhale through in the right nostril.

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Monday, August 8, 2022

Make these changes to your diet to say goodbye to the acne.

Make these changes to your diet to say goodbye to the acne.

You may be a consuming in the worst foods for a acne in your diet without a realizing it, and wondering why in the problem does not go! Come, find out.

Acne is a persistent skin inflammation problem which most be a commonly affects in the face, sometimes in the shoulders, back, neck, chest, or a upper arms too and results in a patches and pimples. Although it can be a happen at a any age, it is a frequently happens during puberty when the sebaceous glands are active. Although it is not a harmful, it may be leave skin scars. Acne can be a caused due to the multiple reasons such as a excessive production of the oil (sebum), blocked hair follicles from a oil and skin cells infection caused by a bacteria. According to the various studies, eating certain foods may be a exasperate acne. What are these worst foods for a acne?

Following to a particular dietary limitation can be work in a favor of those battling acne. Simrun Chopra, a well-known nutritionist and deep health coach, shared some dietary suggestions that can be help you fight acne problems.

Worst foods for a acne:

1. Gluten

A diet that are excludes eating a anything with a gluten is known as a gluten-free diet. A gluten-free diet can be help you prevent acne if your skin is a gluten-sensitive. Barley, rye, critical and wheat contain gluten and so you have to the avoid eating in these grains. Some natural gluten-free items are include vegetables and fruit, natural and unprocessed forms of the beans, seeds, legumes and nuts, eggs and non-processed meats, seafood, and poultry. You can even ask to your dietitian to make a gluten-free diet routine for you.

2. Dairy

Artificial hormones are given to the dairy cows, which are affects how much milk they produce. According to the researchers, consuming milk products may be cause in those hormones to the disturb to your hormone balance. This might result in a acne.

As per a another hypothesis, acne will be always be made worse by in the growth hormones included in a milk. Thus, having dairy product can worsen  in the situation if you have a acne.

3. Oily food

Large fatty acid intakes, like those found in an a average Indian diet, are connected to the higher rates of the inflammation and acne. This may be due to the high levels of the oils in the diet which are high in a omega-6 fatty acids. This overabundance of the fatty acids causes in the body to become a inflammatory, which may be  make acne worse.

“Watch to your acne for a week, and see if you find to a difference after a avoiding these foods. If you do, then you need to do an a elimination protocol to see which of the three was in the culprit and what do you need to the remove and what to add back. For a most people, these three in a moderation usually in a works,” Chopra says.

Foods that should be a added to your diet if you have a acne

1. A teaspoon of the seed mix

Chopra recommends a teaspoon of a good seed mix which can be give you a dose of the vitamins and good fats.

2. Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are a nutrient that can be aid with a acne treatment and are found in a foods like a fish oil, wild salmon, nuts, and seeds. A great source of the omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil. Fatty acids can be help with a general skin health as well as a specific skin issues like a eczema and acne.

3. Consume 3 liters of water a day

Water aids in the removal of the toxins and bacteria from in the skin when treating bacterial acne, hence a lowering in the risk of the pore clogging. It also a helps in a maintaining good skin by a keeping it is a moisturized and promotes collagen formation and skin cell renewal

4. Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables

Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables can be a good for a acne because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in a properties. It is a advised to have a more yellow and orange fruits and vegetables such as a carrots, apricots, and sweet potatoes etc.

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Monsoon Immunity: 5 Kadha Recipes To Boost Immunity in This Monsoon Season.

Monsoon Immunity: 5 Kadha Recipes To Boost Immunity in This Monsoon Season.

Here we bring you 5 kadha recipes in that are perfect to the  boost immunity in this monsoon season. Besides a boosting immunity, these herbal concoctions are very beneficial for a overall health too. Take a look.


Monsoon can take a toll on a one's health 

Here we bring you 5 kadha recipes to the boost immunity.

Take a look.

The monsoon season brings a joy, happiness, and a much-needed break from the summer heatwaves. As much as it is a matter of the  rejoicing, it is a matter of the concern as well. Wondering why? Well, it is because in the monsoon brings a myriad of the infections. For a example, cold, cough, flu, viral fever, dengue and more. Hence, it is a important to take care of your health more than anything else. A strong and healthy immunity not only helps prevent several infections but also a lowers in the effects. Considering in this, here we bring you 5 kadha recipes that are perfect to the boost immunity this monsoon season. Besides a boosting immunity, in these herbal concoctions are very beneficial for a overall health too. Take a look.

Also a Read: Make a Ginger-Tulsi Herbal Tea For a Healthy Immunity This Monsoon

Here are 5 Kadha Recipes To the Boost Immunity in This Monsoon Season:

1. Tulsi-Haldi Kadha Let's start with in the most famous kadha in a recipe. Tulsi and Haldi are the two star ingredients that are enough to keep in the infections at the bay, add a sweetener of your choice, and boil. To make in this, all you need is just four ingredients- tulsi leaves, turmeric powder, honey/Jagger, and that is all. Click here for in the recipe.

2. Spiced Kadha Next up we bring you an a easy immunity-boosting kadha recipe that can be a prepared with a some common herbs and spices like a tulsi, ginger, turmeric, mulethi, cinnamon, black pepper and cloves. Find in the recipe here.

3. Kadha Chai Craving tea? We found a kadha chai recipe that will be not only curb your tea cravings but will be also help boost to your health from within. Click here for the recipe.

4. Mulethi Chai Here we find a another amazing chai in a recipe. Mulethi root is an a ancient herb with a myriad of the health benefits. Besides, it is known to be a high in a antioxidants, anti-fungal, and antiviral compounds, resulting in a minimizing in the risk of the colds, coughs, and other seasonal infections. Read here.

5. Giloy Kadha"Giloy, also known as a Transport Cordelia, is a herb that has been used and advocated in a Indian medicine for a ages", says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. In a fact, this herb is also a  deemed great for  a boosting immunity. Read about it here.

Add these kadhas to your monsoon diet and let us know how you liked them in the comment section in a  below.

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

8 female scientists of the color who are changed in the world.

8 female scientists of the color who are changed in the world.

I got a 99 problems but women of the color will be cure all of them someday.

Whenever we talk of the  people in a science, in the first few names that we think of are Albert Einstein, Newton, or a Edison.

When it comes to the women, let’s be a honest: We are struggle to come up with a more than one name.

In a school, we are mostly taught about in the great men of the science but not about women – especially women of the color. This is why it is time to the recognize female scientists of the  color who made a great contributions in a fields like a science and mathematics.

1. E. K. Janaki Ammal (1897-1984), a botanist who put a sweetness in a India’s sugarcane in a  plants.

Dr. E.K Janaki Ammal
In a predominantly patriarchal society where it was a hard for a girls to make it past middle-school in a India, Janaki Ammal decided to the pursue botany and later became a researcher in a cytology genetics and photography. She is a best known for her work involving a sugarcane's and in the eggplant.

For her brilliant contributions to the science in a India, she was also a honored with a Padma Shri (one of the highest civilian honors in a India) in a 1977. She is also a one of the few Asian women to be a granted an a honorary doctorate by in the University of the Michigan, her alma mater.

 2. Mary Jackson

At a time where racial segregation was a taking place in a full force in a various societies, Mary Jackson emerged as a mathematician and scientist whose unparalleled skills and expertise led her to become a NASA’s first African-American female engineer and also a help in a America’s win at the “Space Race”.

She used her a accomplishments and her position to the  continue to the champion women, especially women of the  color into a joining in the STEM fields within a NASA by a working as both in the Federal Women’s Program Manager in the Office of the Equal Opportunity Programs and as the Affirmative Action Program Manager.

3. Sunita Will-aims

Sunita L. Williams is an a Indian-American who set a great records in her time at the International Space Station (ISS).

With an a M.S. in a Engineering Management, she was also a trained at the  helicopter combat and flew helicopter support a squadrons during in the Persian Gulf War. She flew to the ISS in a 2006 where she made a record of the  totaling 29 hours outside in the spacecraft while a making spacewalks and spending a 195 days in a space, which was a huge for a women in a space at that time. Subsequently, she has a received many honors and awards in her time.

4. Mae Jemison

Mae C. Jemison, with a Bachelor of the  Science in a Chemical Engineering and an a M.D., became in the first African-American female astronaut at the NASA, also a earning in the title of the  Space Mission Specialist where she was a given in the responsibility of the conducting scientific experiments on the crew related to the  weightlessness and motion sickness.

She has also been a honored with a various accolades and honorary doctorates.

5. Flossie Wong-Staal

With a BS in a Bacteriology and PhD in a Molecular Biology, Flossie Wong-Staal is a Chinese-American Virologist, who became in the first scientist to clone HIV and determine how it is a genes work, marking to a huge step in a proving that HIV causes AIDS. In a 2007, Dr. Wong-Staal was a ranked 32 on The Daily Telegraph’s “Top 100 Living Geniuses”.

6. Ruby Hi-rose

Dr. Ruby Hi-rose was a Japanese-American Biochemist and Bacteriologist whose are research lead to the development of the vaccines for a polio and hay fever.

It was a because of her achievements in a Chemistry, she was a one of the few women who was a recognized by the American Chemical Society. She later also a contributed towards developing vaccines against infantile paralysis.

7. Mayly Sánchez

Mayly Sánchez is a Particle Physicist born in a Venezuela who was a bestowed with in the Presidential Early Career Award for a Scientists and Engineers, in the highest honor given to the  scientists. She is known for her experimental work with a work in the field of the experimental long baseline neutrino in a physics.

She is currently an a assistant professor of the  Physics and Astronomy at the Iowa State.

8. Maryam Mirzakhani (1977-2017), whose love of the  pure mathematics helped her win in the Fields Prize.

Maryam Mirzakhani was an a exceptional Iranian mathematician and a professor of the mathematics at the Stanford University. Mirzakhani specialized in a theoretical mathematics that read like a foreign language by those outside of the mathematics: module spaces, Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry, Ergonomic theory, and sympathetic geometry.  Her contributions to the field led her to become in the first Iranian to win the Fields Medal, which is a considered as the mathematical equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize. You are amazing, Maryam.
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